Monday, September 17, 2012

DGL video

First Video made for my digital literacy class its not the best but i can always improve.

What to say..

Well it has been a while since i've posted and well alot has happend my old job stuff on july second I had a meeting at my work and well safe to say they were shutting down the old bowling alley though it was bound to happen sooner or later; it was a tough chapter in my life. I went two months unemployed looking every where any normal person could look for work, like the internet, walk-ins and stuff of that nature. Every job opportunity came up short dissappointments kept happening but I kept my head up and stay positive for my wife and son. Well my positive attitude finnally came to fruitition i landed a job I dont get to see my wife and son as much but i dont complain i'm just happy to be employed and helping my family out. Also i have been doing my online classes for film and those are going good i've had digital literacy and that's simple enough it's basically to show how to work a mac book pro. Next class though I am excited for I already downloaded the ebook. It is film foundations and it's my starting knowledge on the film industry it should provide a good understanding of everything wish me luck I plan on posting more often now that i am employed thanks for the support if i have any readers it means alot to me.